Recycling at Oahu Surf II

In the lower-level parking garage, there are several green bins for residents to deposit their recyclables.  Here is what you can and cannot place in each bin:

PLASTIC – NO CAPS:  Look for the #1 or #2 in a triangle embossed on containers.  Rinse, remove and discard lids and tops.  No food containers.

ALUMINUM & CANS:  Rinse aluminum cans.  If possible, crush cans to make more room in the bin.  Do not include scrap metal.

GLASS – NO CAPS:  Includes containers for beverages, wine, spirits, and food.  Rinse, remove and discard lids and tops.  Do not include dishes and drinking glasses.

For the above recyclables, it’s okay to mix and match if one bin is full.

NEWSPAPER – NO CARDBOARD:  This bin is only for newspaper, paper bags, and white office paper.  No hardcover/paperback books, phone books, cardboard boxes, magazines, glossy inserts, envelopes, tape, sticky labels, and rubber bands.  Staples are okay.

Do not mix the other recyclables in the newspaper bin.

Please only fill the bin with loose items that have been rinsed and dried.  If you carry down your recyclables in a plastic trash bag, do not throw the plastic trash bag itself into the bin.  Rather, empty the contents into the bin and then reuse the plastic bag.  You can also save paper bags to carry down your recyclables, then after emptying its contents, toss the paper bag into the newspaper bin.

The following documents were provided by the company that empties our recycling bins. Your kokua is much appreciated:

For more information about recycling, visit the link below: